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2023-04-07clock6 minutes

Google has always been at the forefront of innovation when it comes to AI technology, and their latest offering is no exception. In March 2023, Google announced the launch of their new AI chatbot tool, BARD, which aims to provide more natural and human-like responses to user queries.

In this blog, we'll explore what BARD AI is, how it works, who can use it, and how it stacks up against OpenAI's Chat GPT.

What is BARD AI?

BARD, which stands for "Bidirectional Attention Representations from Transformers for Dialogue Applications," is an AI-powered chatbot tool designed to simulate human conversations using natural language processing and machine learning. Unlike traditional chatbots that rely on pre-written scripts and keyword triggers, BARD uses machine learning to generate natural language responses to user queries.

How Google BARD Works?

BARD is built on Google's Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) technology, which is based on Transformer, Google's neural network architecture released in 2017. LaMDA is designed to understand the nuances of human language and generate natural language responses to queries. BARD's AI is trained around natural-sounding conversational queries and responses, providing context to the responses rather than just providing a list of answers.

BARD can be integrated into websites, messaging platforms, or applications to provide realistic, natural language responses to user questions. It's also designed to help with follow-up questions, something new to search. BARD aims to allow for more natural language queries, rather than relying on specific keywords.

Who can use it and is it free?

Users must be 18 or older and have a personal Google account to use BARD. Currently, BARD is only available in the United States and United Kingdom, but Google plans to expand to other countries soon. As of this writing, Google has given no indication that it will charge for use. Google has no history of charging customers for services, so the current assumption is that BARD will be freely available for use.

BARD vs. Chat GPT

Both Google BARD and OpenAI's Chat GPT are AI chatbots designed for interaction with people through the use of natural language models and machine learning. However, there are some differences. BARD is designed to make search more natural and helpful, while Chat GPT is capable of producing original content. In January 2023, Microsoft signed a deal reportedly worth $10 billion with OpenAI to license and incorporate Chat GPT into its Bing search engine to provide more conversational search results, similar to BARD. However, BARD is meant to support only Google.


Google's BARD AI is a significant step forward in the development of AI chatbot technology. It uses machine learning to generate natural language responses to user queries, allowing for more natural language searches rather than relying on specific keywords. BARD is designed to supplement Google search and provide more human-like responses to user questions. While it has some similarities to OpenAI's Chat GPT, it differs in that it's meant to support only Google and is designed specifically to make search more natural and helpful. As the use of AI chatbots becomes more prevalent, BARD is likely to play a critical role in shaping the future of conversational search.
